Who is God ?

The truth may be simple, but often we humans tend to make it complicated.

1. According to the universal, scientific law of cause and effect, we could call God the ultimate Cause of everything, the physical and spiritual world, with all living beings there.

2. Many religious humans would relate to God as Lord and Master.

3. Many religious humans would relate to God as their Heavenly Father.

4. Some religious humans would relate to God as their Heavenly Parents. Why?

What we see as effect, must also exist in the cause. Humans exist as man and women, male and female.
So the cause should also exist with this characteristics.
A father alone cannot have children. There must be a mother too.
So we could conclude, that God is our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother in one being.
The love of parents for their children, must have it‘s cause too. If humans have it, God must have it.

That is why, we can call God as our Heavenly Parents!

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